Letkol Laut (P) Salim
E-Mail: letkollautpsalim[aT]gmail.com
Letnan Kolonel Laut (P) Salim, dilahirkan di Surabaya tanggal 28 Oktober 1972. Lulus dari Akademi Angkatan Laut tahun 1995. Penulis aktif menulis di bidang kemaritiman di kompasiana.com, tandef.net, lembagakeris.net, wikimu.com dan rajasamudera.com.Daftar Buku
Jumlah buku:31. A Pathway to Indonesia Maritime Future
"Commander Salim should be proud of his efforts to assist in the development of Indonesia's maritime future. He is well on his way to becoming the Indonesian Mahan." Canberra, 26 June 2015 Vice Admiral T.W, Barrett, AO, CSC, RAN , Chief of Navy “ One thing that nearly all the countries of the Asia-Pacific region have in common is a clear desire to modernise and expand their navies and other maritime forces. The result will be a significant shift in the regions strategic weight at sea when comp
"Commander Salim should be proud of his efforts to assist in the development of Indonesia's maritime future. He is well on his way to becoming the Indonesian Mahan." Canberra, 26 June 2015 Vice Admiral T.W, Barrett, AO, CSC, RAN , Chief of Navy “ One thing that nearly all the countries of the Asia-Pacific region have in common is a clear desire to modernise and expand their navies and other maritime forces. The result will be a significant shift in the regions strategic weight at sea when comp
2. A Pathway to Indonesia Maritime Future
"Commander Salim should be proud of his efforts to assist in the development of Indonesia's maritime future. He is well on his way to becoming the Indonesian Mahan." Canberra, 26 June 2015 Vice Admiral T.W, Barrett, AO, CSC, RAN , Chief of Navy “ One thing that nearly all the countries of the Asia-Pacific region have in common is a clear desire to modernise and expand their navies and other maritime forces. The result will be a significant shift in the regions strategic weight at sea when comp
"Commander Salim should be proud of his efforts to assist in the development of Indonesia's maritime future. He is well on his way to becoming the Indonesian Mahan." Canberra, 26 June 2015 Vice Admiral T.W, Barrett, AO, CSC, RAN , Chief of Navy “ One thing that nearly all the countries of the Asia-Pacific region have in common is a clear desire to modernise and expand their navies and other maritime forces. The result will be a significant shift in the regions strategic weight at sea when comp
Tahun 2014, ditengarai NKRI akan mengalami gejolak besar. Berbagai diskusi terjadi di banyak tempat membahas hal yang sama. Terutama di kota yang mempunyai orientasi spiritualitas tinggi seperti Yogyakarta dan Solo. Semua elemen akademisi, budaya, sastra, sosiolog, dan para spiritualis berkumpul membahas tanda-tanda alam. Bahkan, saat sinopsis buku ini ditulis, para spiritualis dari seluruh Jawa berkumpul di Kotagede. Mereka menyamakan “tafsir” masing-masing terhadap kekhususan 2014.
Tahun 2014, ditengarai NKRI akan mengalami gejolak besar. Berbagai diskusi terjadi di banyak tempat membahas hal yang sama. Terutama di kota yang mempunyai orientasi spiritualitas tinggi seperti Yogyakarta dan Solo. Semua elemen akademisi, budaya, sastra, sosiolog, dan para spiritualis berkumpul membahas tanda-tanda alam. Bahkan, saat sinopsis buku ini ditulis, para spiritualis dari seluruh Jawa berkumpul di Kotagede. Mereka menyamakan “tafsir” masing-masing terhadap kekhususan 2014.