Roda Kemujuran
Penulis: Ghassan Syaqiq, Kategori: Novel![]() Zoom | ISBN: 978-602-225-562-8 Terbit: Desember 2012 Halaman : 188, BW : 186, Warna : 0 Harga: Rp. 72.600,00 Deskripsi: Dengan mata merem-melek dan setengah mengigau, aku mencoba membuka mata. Mataku terasa sangat berat untuk bisa terbuka. Tubuhku juga terasa remuk redam. Entah di mana dan apa yang sedang aku lakukan saat ini. Setelah beberapa saat, mataku mulai dapat benar-benar terbuka. Aku terbaring di ruangan yang serba putih. Tubuhku berselimut dan bertancapkan beberapa jarum di pergelangan tangan dan di bahuku. Kepalaku terbalut perban dengan sedikit tembusan warna merah melingkari kepalaku. Aku tergolek di atas ranjang ditemani oleh ibuku yang paling aku cintai. “Ibu, aku di mana? Kapan lomba siswa teladan yang harus aku ikuti?” tanyaku sambil menahan erangan rasa sakit di sekujur tubuhku. Ibuku hanya terdiam dan mengusap wajahku sembari meneteskan air mata. Buku ini berkisah tentang seorang anak yang karena kekurangan fisiknya harus mengalami ujian yang bertubi-tubi. Sulit sekali membedakan kebaikan di antara keburukan, ketulusan maupun kedengkian. Download contoh buku: Download Dilihat: 5842 kali. |
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Kirim: 06-09-2013 19:31Joseph dont worry about close minded plepoe like that, it is not even worth your time to bother with them. All plepoe in the pubic view have haters, just delete the negative emails and remember how many plepoe appreciate you and the information you post! We are all humans and imperfect, if you were 100% perfect then I would wonder if you were an alien! Lots of love! [url=]etguexxdjn[/url] [link=]tdieiae[/link]
Kirim: 05-09-2013 23:53Ein schf6nes Feuerwerk :O)))Wir wfcnschen Dir/Euch auch nochmal einen guten Rutsch in ein schf6nes, genesdus,glfcckliches und kreatives Neues Jahr! Allerliebste Grfcdfe Claudia Das neue Jahr sieht mich freundlich an, und ich lasse das alte mit seinem Sonnenschein und Wolken ruhig hinter mir (Goethe) [url=]fchfjwt[/url] [link=]lpnqlwret[/link]
Kirim: 24-08-2013 06:33By now you will have been to Siuna, Nicaragua but I can't find anything on your blog about the town. I am Canadian and lived there in the 1950 s. My Dad opteared the comissary for La Luz Gold Mines. At that time there were only 14 white families who lived in a compound and we all lived in quite nice houses up on a hill as I recall. I would like to return but don't know if it's safe, if there are any places to stay, etc. I have a ton of pics from our time there (my Dad sponsored the baseball team) and we were the first white family to be given a going away party. Any info on the place would be greatly appreciated. Hope you are enjoying your exploration of our planet.