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English for Specific Purpose: The Learning of Natural Disaster

Penulis: Erizar, Kategori: Pendidikan
English for Specific Purpose: The Learning of Natural Disaster
ISBN: 978-602-371-395-0
Terbit: Maret 2017
Halaman : 106, BW : 103, Warna : 3
Harga: Rp. 43.900,00

Natural disaster learning can be integrated not only in science class but also in language class. In this book, the writer proposed the disaster education to be taught in English class at university level. The reason is that the studens will gain two skills throught this book namely English skill and dealing with disaster skill. Through this book, students are expected to integrate their understanding on natural disasters with English environment. As the result, it is expected that a good teaching-learning atmosphere can be created not only by the teachers but also by the students who will be actively involved in the learning process. 

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Kirim: 07-04-2017 21:36
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