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Cara Asyik Menulis Flash Fiction, Dilengkapi Antologi Perempuan-Perempuan Hebat

Penulis: Mardiana Kappara dkk, Kategori: Dunia Tulis Menulis
Cara Asyik Menulis Flash Fiction, Dilengkapi Antologi Perempuan-Perempuan Hebat
ISBN: 978-602-225-211-5
Terbit: Desember 2011
Halaman : 198, BW : 198, Warna : 0
Harga: Rp. 57.600,00
Beda buku Cara Asyik Menulis Flash Fiction ini dibandingkan buku garapan keroyokan lain adalah penggarapannya yang diurai dari pengalaman penulis sendiri sekaligus beberapa artikel flash fiction di dunia maya. Tersedia banyak contoh di dalam buku ini yang mempermudah penulis pemula untuk mempelajari dan memahami cara menulis flash fiction secara baik dan tepat. Belum banyak atau bahkan hampir belum ada buku cetak yang membahas khusus mengenai genre baru karya fiksi, yaitu flash fiction. Buku ini jelas akan memberikan manfaat yang banyak bagi pembaca yang tertarik di dunia penulisan fiksi tanah air.

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Kirim: 30-06-2015 16:29
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Kirim: 28-08-2013 04:52
Is it too late for a kiss?Life is so sweet.I wrote 3 times about this. Each time it was too private to share. To docslise details of other lives who have intertwined with mine so beautifully would be, might be a way of interrupting the moment. Short-cutting. Short-changing, that's the word I was looking for.There is an area of my life where in the past I have felt short-changed because the longing was not quenched fully. But the longing was experienced fully, and if that was the sweetness, the nectar, the fruit that was shared with me so freely, well then I received it fully. I drank of longing and swam in its warm waters. I immersed myself in the song and swayed and danced and melted and rose again. All so I could experience the sweetness of this new moment. The one without longing because that experience passed, as all experiences do. A kiss today that would not have happened so sweetly, so spontaneously and fulfilling, if the longing before had been short-cutted, short-changed, interrupted. Life is so sweet.

Kirim: 24-08-2013 06:04
If you can get it in time, I strongly recmemond Jussi Adler-Olsen s Mercy (US title: The Keeper of Lost Causes). It is the first in a fine series featuring the somewhat reluctant detective Carl Mf8rck and his enthusiastic assistant Assad. I also like Jungersen and Hf8gh, and some of Leif Davidsen s.

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