slogan leutika prio

Merpati Putih

Penulis: Rhey el Fariqhy, Syifa Enwa, Sunu RH, dkk, Kategori: Kumpulan Cerpen
Merpati Putih
ISBN: 978-602-225-214-6
Terbit: Desember 2011
Halaman : 172, BW : 172, Warna : 0
Harga: Rp. 53.800,00
Raka tidak tahu, siapa lelaki misterius yang tiba-tiba mencegat dan menyerangnya itu. Rhey el Fariqhy pun menggulirkannya pada kisah seru penuh aksi dalam cerpen berjudul ‘Merpati Putih’. Tak kalah seru, cerpen penulis yang lain, yang tergabung dalam buku ini: Iri Ira - Syifa Enwa (Bandung), Satu Bintang Untuk Cinta - Nyna Liana (Banten), Mas Zyan, My Crazy Love - Luluk Kristya (Blitar), When the Summer Comes - Dian 'Didi' Budiarti (Bandung), Evelin - Nenny Makmun (Bogor), Ketika Kau Memilih Dia - Nurika (Bogor), Sakaratul Maut - PissVirus (Pati), Merpati Putih - Rhey el Fariqhy (Pati), Senja di Bukit Senyum - Reni Soengkunie (Batam), Maybe Yes Maybe No - Prima Aqeela (Pati), Tangan Wasiat - Chipz Mirza Sastro Atmodjo (Pati), Manusia Berkepala Binatang - Sunu RH (Depok), Jadilah Siti Nurbaya - Mang Gugun (Pati), Terbaik Bagimu - HW Prakoso (Subang), Barisan Mimpi - Mega Puspita (Ponorogo), Banggali - Amir Syarifkhan Syah Jaya (Pati). Selamat menikmati!

Dilihat: 7099 kali.

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Produk Sejenis

  • Meretas Bianglala
  • Saat Warna-Warni Berbicara
  • Mengejar Mimpi di Atas Kerikil
  • Langit Biru
  • Cantik: Mencari Jejak Kartini


Kirim: 06-09-2013 01:35
Thank you so much Zari for the cute Zappyfied version of Ocean & Me! I keep siilmng and feeling so happy everytime I look at your illustration of us :D I've showed Pati's and your illustrations to Ocean too! :DBy the way, I tagged you to write up 5 random things about yourself on my blog. Also I have link your blog to mine...Hope it's ok :D [url=]kbfuueonppp[/url] [link=]yusfsn[/link]

Kirim: 28-08-2013 07:05
i stumbled on your blog a few days ago and it has to be the most hoirailus thing ever :)i am the opposite of you african in the US. I'm really shocked that people dont really like the mzungu tag. it never ever occurred to me as a child how someone who is white would percieve it. we always thought that its fine. Thanks for the insight though, when i get back home i'll be sure to educate as many people as i can on cultural sensistivity.All i hope is that you don't take it in a bad way, we honestly do not mean to be cruel or anything.

Kirim: 24-08-2013 08:22
A few years after my stay in Kenya I was working in India. I ddeiced to go back to the university in semi-rural India where I had studied. I was amazed to find a couple of Kenyans at the University. I was so happy to see them that I was blabbering in Swahili.

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