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107 Renungan Saat Teduh: Sebagai Motivasi Rohani Hidup Sehari-hari Masa Kini Seturut Ajaran Alkitab

Penulis: Ev, Ir. Didin S Nasman, MBA dan Ev. Mariana Sylvia, Kategori: Agama Kristen
107 Renungan Saat Teduh: Sebagai Motivasi Rohani Hidup Sehari-hari Masa Kini Seturut Ajaran Alkitab
ISBN: 978-602-371-786-6
Terbit: Desember 2019
Halaman : 464, BW : 462, Warna : 2
Harga: Rp. 134.500,00

 We are all evangelists. At the end of this age, God is not only looking for followers, but looking for evangelists, who are people that live and be saved because of the gospel, and eventually become evangelists. Being an evangelist doesn't have to be a priest. Let's just show good character in the family and work environment so people see the character of Jesus in our lives. Amen, amen, amen, hallelujah, amen.

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