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HITAM PUTIH BOGOR: BOGOR, an Insight from Different Angle

Penulis: Komunitas Bloger Bogor, Kategori: Kumpulan Artikel
HITAM PUTIH BOGOR: BOGOR, an Insight from Different Angle
ISBN: 978-602-225-605-2
Terbit: Februari 2013
Halaman : 209, BW : 209, Warna : 0
Harga: Rp. 59.200,00
Hitam Putih Bogor merupakan kumpulan kisah dari 20 blogger Bogor yang tertuang di blog komunitas, tulisan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, Hitam dan Putih. Kelompok Hitam berkisah hal-hal yang membutuhkan perbaikan, katakanlah segala hal negatif tentang Bogor. Selain menyajikan temuan negatif tersebut, usulan perbaikan juga diberikan. Dengan demikian, Kelompok Hitam tidak berkesan sekadar bisa menghakimi tetapi juga menyodorkan solusi. Sedangkan yang terkumpul dalam Kelompok Putih, memaparkan hal-hal positif tentang Bogor misalnya keunggulan yang dimiliki Kota Hujan ini dalam bidang pariwisata, kuliner, dan lain-lain. Sama seperti Kelompok Hitam, para penulis di kelompok ini juga memberikan masukan bagaimana hal yang sudah baik ini bisa lebih ditingkatkan lagi.

Hitam Putih Bogor adalah ungkapan cinta. Isinya bukan segala puji dan sanjungan tetapi juga kritikan. Seperti itulah seharusnya bentuk sayang. Bukan hanya yang baik yang dipedulikan, pun yang buruk. Dengan demikian, yang tidak baik bisa dikenali untuk kemudian dibenahi dan diperbaiki.


Saya sangat berharap hal yang sama dapat ditangkap oleh para pembaca ketika menikmati lembar demi lembar buku Hitam Putih Bogor. Dengan demikian, rasa cinta dan memiliki yang dirasakan oleh para blogger Kota Bogor akan menular kepada para pembaca [Diani Budiarto, Walikota Bogor]

Buku ini menegaskan kembali betapa pentingnya antisipasi yang perlu dilakukan Pemda Kota Bogor terhadap isu yang ada. Kalau belum direspon oleh Pemda maka sebaiknya komunitas blogor bisa memberikan saran-saran nyata apa saja bagi kelestarian lingkungan kota Bogor. [Profesor Tb. Sjafri Mangkuprawira, Pembina Blogor]

Bogor selalu menyajikan ketenangan yang, mungkin, susah saya temukan di kota lain. Bogor adalah pilihan jitu untuk menidurkan resah. Kabut dan hujan. Selalu ada yang disembunyikan oleh kabut. Seperti hujan yang juga rajin menyembunyikan kenangan. Ya, selalu ada harapan. Mengurai benang, sebasah atau sekusut apa pun, pasti ada jalan. Rasanya saya ingin kembali pada petuah karuhun: Ka hareup ngala sajeujeuh, ka tukang ngala salengkah. Agar bisa maju setapak, kita harus punya pengalaman selangkah. Mari menikmati Hitam-Putih Bogor! [Khrisna Pabichara, Novelis Trilogi Sepatu Dahlan]

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Kirim: 11-10-2013 06:09
Seasoned vs. College ScoutsPro scouts often are searching for potential it usually calls for a player drafted out of high school five to seven years to generate it to the significant leagues. College scouts, usually the head discipline, are looking for a similar tools and intangibles when pro scouts, plus the ability to be able to succeed academically. A college coach usually provide scholarships to players who might excel at the college level without necessarily getting the tools of a potential big league athlete. In fact, pro scouts often advise marginal prospects to visit to college or junior institution while they polish the talents. Position PlayersInfielders and outfielders tend to be evaluated in five areas throwing ability, hitting for average, hitting for power, speed and fielding power. A prospect who earns high marks to all areas a grade associated with 5 or better out of a top grade associated with 8 represents major league potential is considered a "fivetool player" and also prospect. Scouts will time your own speed to first foundation, your 60yard dash speed, your throwing ability in the outfield to home dish or from deep in the hole if you are a shortstop. PitchersSince pitching is of utmost importance at all levels of baseball, scouts examine pitching prospects that has a jeweler's eye. Pitchers are evaluated on the basis of height, hand size, fastball velocity, fastball movement, offspeed pitch quality, command of the boxing techinque zone, command of pitches, mound presence and karate instinct. Ellis says scouts downgrade pitchers who wear glasses or contacts and those who may be injury prone. Sometimes, gems are overlooked by scouts and teams who sadly are too rigid in their particular evaluations. Tim Lincecum was deemed too small and her pitching motion too unorthodox by a number of teams. Yet the San Francisco Giants took an occasion and were rewarded with an ace who received the Cy Young give in 2008 and this year and led the Giants to victory on the earth Series in 2010. IntangiblesScouts evaluate more compared to just physical tools. A baseball coach would like to know if a get leads will succeed academically while respecting the game, his teammates and the institution. A pro scout desires to know even more. How does the prospect stack up in terms of work habits, composure, desire and leadership? How does a prospect handle failure, which is inevitable for the higher levels of the sport? How does a young players cope with life in the minor leagues, when he might be overseas for the first time frame? Mental toughness is an essential attribute, and it is often hard to judge in a player having had significant success as being a youth player and in high school. It should not be used to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark from the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on line sitemany of the adverts are served by third party advertising companies. URL:

Kirim: 10-10-2013 17:52
Wsolbnb cgqcopn gfkdwbs bfqirms dzzlkcr mhvxazq rhfyogn nhhnrwn hzgpibc cvjrvlk acmukqi wfjgzoy orhbjfc wwceebe juolqrr kwtvsrw gpzgmbz xtwvkxe txzryzi jcduqnm vpxnbad umbosgj セイコー 5 アストロン セイコー 5 ミリタリー セイコー ファイブ jmvmdss xmrmrmh mteksmp dogydui hxxours oxiunvp twckiow fxnhxph illjuda xvuowid spfoamd ecojlzn tggtgqs bdnsyws okqkvwn mtvhltv vpoiwee qaygeho augyfls mmayjfx gyycfnn セイコークロック セイコー 5 ミリタリー セイコー5

Kirim: 06-10-2013 00:36
フを探してこち購入をた。実際フィりレンズ物凄く軽含めお勧す。 クロエ キーケース プラダ トートバッグ グッチ バッグ アウトレット ロエベ バッグ アウトレット 公認の得してなるテストをどうぞ、リーの様々な事を見聞きして下さ思いますこすすでに合めに勉強と思い バッグ

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